Sunday, February 20, 2011

Reader Questions Projected Savings in School Restructuring

An Article in last week's Winston County Journal concerning plans to restructure Eiland Middle School and the projected cost savings indicated, prompted this response from a local citizen:

Where are the Savings?
After reading the article on the front page of the Winston County Journal 2/16 edition, I am confused. If the school transfers the students from Eiland Middle School but still keeps the facility open, where are the savings? The article goes on to say that the staff will not be cut so am I to assume the administration of Eiland will also be transferred to another school? My confusion is how do you not close the facility but save money by transferring the students? You will still have the same overhead costs to maintain and service the facility so again, where are the savings? After the large increase to our taxes due to the school's share, I was surprised to see it admitted that the overall attendance has declined, but yet the cost is increasing. I would also like to know what the expected building costs might be to build at the high school to accommodate the students as discussed in the article. Maybe, in future articles we may be privy to the creative accounting that shows how you can transfer students and staff, build additions to the high school, leave the Eiland building open and functioning and still save money.

Respectfully, Jim Anderson